The gender representations in the Volkswagen video The Force, shows an interaction of a boy dressed as Darth Vader, a mother, and a father. The mother appears to be tending to the house and watching after the little boy who is pretending to be Darth Vader, attempting to use “the force.” The interaction portrayed in this video is considered to be what is called “the American dream.” It’s what appears to be a happily married couple with a child and a dog, living in a friendly neighborhood. Except this is not the common everyday American family. The typical American family works odd hours, struggling to see each other. Most children spend their free time playing video games or watching television. Children are most likely to watch television shows with Darth Vader rather than dress up and pretend to be him. The story of Star Wars began in the 80’s and has continued to be carried on throughout the past thirty years. New movies have continued to hit movie theatres. Star Wars video games are sold in video game stores everywhere. Star Wars toys are still sold in toy stores. Walt Disney World has a section in their park dedicated to Star Wars. As everyone knows Walt Disney World attracts millions of families every year, keeping the story of Star Wars alive. So long as the technology and capabilities Star Wars do not exist, younger generations will always love to hear about this science fiction movie which stirs the imagination.
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